General Counsel And Business Transactional Services
There is a lot to consider when you decide to start a business. I am attorney Denise C. Pekelnicky, and as a seasoned business owner, I am well-versed in Pennsylvania business regulations. Whether you will be the sole owner or a co-owner of a much larger enterprise, you will still be responsible for many of the same duties and responsibilities. Having the right professionals on board from day one, including an experienced business attorney, can be the key to your success. If you are in the planning stages for a new business or have an established business in transition, I can help you with matters such as:
- Business formation and planning
- Addressing real estate leases, purchases or sales
- Drafting or reviewing contracts for vendors
- Employment concerns
Having in-house counsel you can rely on can give your business the leading edge in the 21st century economy.
Understanding Business Formation
Choosing the right type of business formation is integral to your operations. There are several options for most businesses to consider, ranging from a limited liability company (LLC) to an LLC taxed as an S-corporation, a sole proprietorship or a C-corporation. Knowing which option is best for you should be an in-depth conversation with your team of professionals, including your attorney and accountant.
Proper business formation and corporate succession planning can help alleviate some of the concerns when someone wishes to leave the business relationship. Having the right business entity is useful to ensure that your rights are protected when this happens.
Day-To-Day Operations
As a small business owner, you are subject to many of the same requirements as large corporations – without the benefit of a large staff or human resources department to help you out. There are a variety of state and federal laws that you must comply with, along with a plethora of other items, such as a policies and procedures manual, insurance coverage, the hiring and firing of employees, the hiring of contractors, contract reviews, corporate document requirements, business structure requirements and more. Trying to find enough hours in the day and trying to afford the required expertise can be daunting.
Protect Your Business With Succession Planning
Have you considered what will happen to your business should you wish to retire or in the unfortunate case of an unexpected death? I can help you establish a plan for succession that coincides with your estate planning. Don’t have that estate planning done yet? Do you have the right plan, people and insurance in place to ensure a smooth transition for your business? Where are your key documents? Who knows all your passwords and accounts? If any of those questions cause you to pause, call my law firm, DCP Law Office, LLC, for assistance. I will work with you to establish firm estate and business succession plans that meet your needs as well as those of your family and business.
Contact Me To Learn More About Outside General Counsel Packages
Let’s talk about your business’s legal needs. I offer general outside counsel packages to provide firm costs and fees spread out over the year – rather than large, unexpected bills – much like balanced billing for utilities. The packages range from multiple hours of legal services per month to a set number of hours for the calendar year billed over the course of the year. I want to help you succeed and remove some of the stress that you shoulder daily as a business owner. Call DCP Law Office, LLC, in North East at 814-913-7274 or send me an email to initiate a consultation.