When forming a limited liability company (LLC), you must address how your LLC will be permitted to operate. One way to formally outline these decisions is to create an operating agreement for your business. Are you required to have an operating agreement for your LLC?...
Business Organization
Why does your business need a succession plan?
As a business owner, you have long-term plans for your business, and you likely have put protections in place to help your business weather future challenges. A succession plan can be a vital part of those future plans. How would a succession plan benefit your...
What are the benefits of utilizing a sole proprietorship for your business?
When starting a business, you have several different structures to choose from, and each has distinct advantages and disadvantages.. A sole proprietorship is one of the structures you might consider when going into business on your own. How might this business...
What are the benefits of choosing an LLC business structure?
When you start a business, you make many decisions that can significantly impact the company’s future. One of these critical choices is how you legally structure your business. What benefits might a limited liability company (LLC) structure offer? Choosing an LLC...